Let’s Tackle It Together – Talking About Depression

Sep 7, 2023 | Depression & Anxiety | 0 comments

As we enter September, the weather may be changing, and there sometimes is an expectation that new chapters “should” begin.  Whether it’s seasonal, ongoing, mild or debilitating, we’re here to talk depression and its symptoms this month.  In particular we know that when symptoms persist and become overwhelming, it may be a serious concern.  As it’s also suicide awareness month, we want to take a minute to talk about some things you may know about depression, some that may be a reminder, and some that may provide some helpful resources or support if you or someone you love is having trouble. 

In reflecting on depression, we also want to acknowledge that simply sharing a toolkit or a hotline number is not a cure all, but with evidence of some of these resources and techniques helping, we share them.  However, we know the symptoms of depression alone make it difficult to reach out when one needs it most. We know that withdrawing feels easier.  Are you unsure if you or a loved one is going through depression?  

Let’s review some Depression symptoms together 

– Increased sadness, one might find themselves crying often

– Low Motivation

– Excessive or Less Sleeping

– Feelings of Fatigue

– Changes in Appetite  

– Lowered Self-Esteem – 

– Withdrawing; Avoiding Social Activities

– Decreased Productivity 

Little Steps Forward

It may start with acknowledging that what’s happening is depression, giving oneself grace, and taking little steps forward.  While it might not seem like much, trying to make one or two changes might add up to feeling like yourself again. With depression, we often trivialize the impact small achievements make.  We’ve talked about goals before, and we want to re-emphasize the power of adjusting and creating both small and large goals, or adding routine.  Goals when we’re feeling low can start with, a 5 minute walk or type of movement, a shower, talking to one neighbor, treating yourself to a healthy meal. Maintaining wellness may seem hard, so we remind: be graceful with yourself in the process. 

We know that in those moments it can feel like the last thing that feels supportive is “another blog post about mental health.”  With that, we are here to say, we’re here for you and yours. In the way that you are there for your loved one, we are there for them and yourself too. If you’re facing symptoms, and have someone to call, call them. Sometimes connection makes all the difference, and others may not know you are hurting.  We promise you, they rather know. We also know not everyone has someone that shows up in the way they need, and in those cases, we’re here, we’ll listen, and we’ll find a way to help.  We’ll find the way to get you closer to the resources you need. We know that there are a lot of different reasons that one may feel depressed.  There are a lot of external influences, systemic errors, life circumstances that we, and other loved ones, may not be able to fix, but connection is part of the healing journey for all of us.  Mental health resources and therapy are some of the ways we know to tackle some of the symptoms. Although there is not one way to work through depression or one safety plan for all, if you or someone you know is in need of crisis help or thinking about suicide hotlines are free and available 24/7. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 and Suicide Crisis Lifeline: Call or Text 988 to reach someone, and 911 is available in life-threatening emergencies. 

This is not to diminish the amount of pain one may be feeling.  No matter the degree of depression symptoms, there are ways to work through some of them, it may be hard work, but there are ways to start. We understand. If you know someone in need, send us an email at info@peacefilledcs.com and feel free to reach out to us.  


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