There are wonders all around us on a day to day basis, yet with the hustle bustle of our lives, we sometimes miss the little joys. It’s easy to get wrapped up in what we have to do, we forget about what we already have – either from what we’ve already accomplished, from what we’ve been blessed with, from the kindness and gratitude of others, or the beauties of the world we live in. When we’re able to stop and smell the roses, life seems less chaotic. Even on those days where we don’t feel like we have a lot, when it’s feels too hard to stop to appreciate those moments, that’s when we may want to kick into “just do it” gear. We could get into the science and principles of how practicing gratitude literally changes our inner physiological being, and we would be able to go back and forth about the magnitude of change, but it’s also fundamentally a place that many of us have been, and know we forget.
So let’s talk a little about the power of gratitude, and jump into it. We’re going to share some gratitude exercises, and this month we’ll be doing them too. It takes a few weeks to build a new habit, and habits change and routines change, but like exercises our bodies and our minds, we like to think of practicing gratitude as exercising our heart and souls.
What’s in the power of gratitude?
Increased physical health
Reduced worry and anxiety
Improved sleep
Decreased symptoms of depression
Gratitude Exercises
- Journaling: Write down three things you were grateful for today; consider writing a letter to a friend or to yourself
- Connection: Make an effort to thank someone who helped you
- Activity: Gratitude Jar; write down something you’re grateful each day and place it in a jar to collect words of gratitude throughout this month
Gratitude is something we have within us. When we access this gratitude we are able to connect with our empowered and grounded self and with others.
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