Practicing Gratitude

Practicing Gratitude

There are wonders all around us on a day to day basis, yet with the hustle bustle of our lives, we sometimes miss the little joys. It’s easy to get wrapped up in what we have to do, we forget about what we already have - either from what we’ve already accomplished,...

Summertime Goals and The Call to Reflect, Reset and Rest

Summertime Goals and The Call to Reflect, Reset and Rest

Summertime is a time for us to get outside, take in the vitamin D and nourish ourselves with the offerings of mother nature.  As summer rolls by, slowly or quickly, we may have discovered new hobbies, created new habits, or set new goals.  It’s...

Self-Care Ways To Feel Stronger

Self-Care Ways To Feel Stronger

Often times self-care is touted as an act of indulgence. It’s now associated with spa days, retail therapy and more, and while that is self-care and it's encouraged to take part in activities that bring us joy, we are called to discuss how self-care is not...

Movement For Deeper Sleep

Movement For Deeper Sleep

As we enter Mental Health Awareness month, we are called to revisit movement. Movement can act as a way to reset your day and your night by balancing your circadian cycle.  While physical activity for mental health is not a new concept, we can sometimes fall into...

Discovering and Nurturing Resilience as Women

Discovering and Nurturing Resilience as Women

Now, more than ever, women are choosing the path to become successful in their careers. However, women continue to face challenges when pursuing careers, even with similar education and accomplishments to men. While women are becoming more successful in their careers,...